
Distributed applications and centralized applications

According to the industry standards in java real time applications, applications are classified into two types they are,
  1. Centralized applications
  2. 2 Distributed applications

Centralized applications

A centralized application is one which runs in the context of single server and it can be accessible across the glob


All banking software are comes under centralized application

The diagrammatically representation of centralized application is shown below

the basic limitation of centralized application is that once the server is down, clients are unable to communicate unless and until it is uploaded again.

This makes us to understand, centralized applications makes to understand less availability of data.

All the centralized applications in the industry are not containing public URL.

centralized applications

Distributed Applications

Distributed application are those which runs in the context of multiple servers and they can be accessible across internet and intranet applications and they are running untrusted and trusted networks so that industry is treated java is one of the networked programming language.

All the real time websites are comes under distributed applications.

The diagrammatic representation for distributed application is shown below

Distributed Applications

The basic advantage of distributed application is that, even though one server is down, client are able to communicate with other servers.

This makes us to understand distributed application provides more availability of data.

The negligible limitation of distributed application is that more investment is required for designing of high end server.

Each and every distributed application have public URL. (e.g

Note if any machine does not have storing and processing capability then that machine is known as non autonomous otherwise it is known as autonomous.